Twilight Yoga Retreat - Breitenbush Hot Springs October 19-23, 2025 Detroit, OR
The timing of Twilight is an effective gateway to engage in ritual and spiritual work, a slipstream between day and night. There are two of these timings available to us during each 24-hour cycle.
This fall, you are invited to a very focused and special retreat opportunity: Hearken to your divine connection and learn the true meaning and practice of Yoga. Engage in powerful rituals that call you to be present and interact with the shakti of this ancient
lineage, which combines both Nath and Uttara Kaula paths.
Conducted by Sri Vijayanath of the International Nath Order, the Kaula Circle will be evoked at both morning and evening twilight. The morning sessions will be spent engaged in silent meditation, and during the evenings, we will gather for formal ritual, which includes chanting sacred mantras, making offerings of flowers and foodstuffs, and ultimately co-creating a potent and magickally activated space.
Space is very limited for this gathering - sign up within the first month of this listing and recieve an automatic 16% off!